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CHAPTER 11- SUSTAINABILITY: THE SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE BASED ON AN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION PRACTICE                                                                                                                                                                                283                                                                                                                                                                   
Ramón Antonio Hernández Chirinos de JESUS
Francisco das Chagas Silva de JESUS HERNÁNDEZ
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Jesus, R. A. H. C., Jesus Hernandez, F. C. S. (2023). Chapter 11 Sustainability: The School of the Future Based on an Environmental Education Practice. In B. L. Salvador Bizotto (Ed.), Academic Research & Reviews in Social, Human, and Administrative Sciences-III- (pp. 283-297). Ankara, Türkiye: Global Academy Publishing House.

Environmental education continues to be important because it is the most practical way to educate the public and students about the significance of protecting the environment to ensure a higher standard of living for both current and future generations. Although, it is true that the ideas of environmental education and sustainability were expanded in the late 1970s, they must now be accepted and implemented so that every country commits to protect the environment and allocaten resources to promote its sustainability. This idea proved useful because it continuously evolved through time and space.

Due to its multifaceted nature, which includes political, economic, social, and cultural aspects, the environmental issue has become an important topic of discussion in today's society. It is also interdisciplinary and includes many different fields as a result, many institutions and community groups mobilized to consider and find solutions to today's socio-environmental problems. It is important that the school expands its approach to teach, showing that teaching and learning activities achieve multidisciplinary skills that allow students to respond to a society that values freedom, ethics, values, democracy, and autonomy (Aznar-Minguet et al., 2016). Acting as a practical, everyday, ecological alternative to the use of natural resources and regulated for people, sustainability promotes an inclusive economy with fair trade and wages, and inclusive knowledge and science that exists for the benefit of society and society. Environment and the axioms of ecologically and socially responsible education (Toledo, 2019).

Commitment to education must be important to develop the sustainability of institutional identity-based practice to provide strategic attention to help solve alienated situations in a decadent society (Murga-Menoyo, 2017). This leads to a change in reality by altering the community-centered attentional processes that affect it. In addition to fulfilling contextual requirements, this leads to a change in real life by changing community-centered attention processes that affect the application of knowledge during environmental management training (Hernández-Morales et al., 2019). As everyone knows, education, including formal schooling, is seen as central to developing the knowledge and skills that children and young people need to live sustainably and meet the challenges of climate change. Access to learning is key to this development. Teachers and their professional development therefore play a central role in effective climate change and sustainable education. The case of a preschool educator and continuing professional development related to climate change and sustainability can improve the ability of teachers to support the role of education in the large-scale changes necessary to transform people and cultures into more environmentally and socially sustainable ways of life. However, to maximize the effectiveness of education, it is relevant to understand the current perspectives and practices of climate change and sustainable education.

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