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Ekechi, F. (2023). Chapter 13 Upscaling Strategy Implementation through Effective Communication and Alignment. In B. L. Salvador Bizotto (Ed.), Academic Research & Reviews in Social, Human, and Administrative Sciences-III- (pp. 311-327). Ankara, Türkiye: Global Academy Publishing House.
Strategy implementation is crucial for a firm to get a competitive edge over rivals and become the dominant player in its industry/sector in today's global, complicated, and changing market. The crucial success criteria for a business are always being tested in today's climate of global competition, necessitating adaptation and a continual need for shifts in the initiatives and strategic responses as the market dictates. Because of this busy climate, businesses are compelled to continuously innovate and modify their tactics. It's fascinating to consider how Strategic Management has changed from the cessation of the World War II to the present day in terms of technology, not just one particular vector. To allow organizations to meet the challenges put forth, formulation, implementation, evaluation, and control are at the core of these interrelated processes. We are in a world of unadulterated, at times nearly unmanageable speed. Never in our history have we experienced such continual change, whether it is in our personal life or any other area of endeavor. All information is more helpful as the business environment becomes more competitive, not only for information to circulate through every level of an organization but also, notably, to predict the activities of rivals and the impacts of disruptive technology (Brorström, 2023; Gunarathne et al., 2023).
A corporation may use strategic communication as one of many tools to intimate stakeholder of the potential benefits of its vision in order to secure their buy-in and commitment towards meeting both its mission and goals and to get ready for a world that is extremely competitive and where every little thing counts. The dramatic changes in communication that have taken place in recent years, both inside and outside of companies, were not ignored by the business world, the growing awareness of the use of the notion of stakeholders inside business corporations, as well as the desire to adopt a natural approach that influences their plans in addition to shareholders (Blakeman, 2023). Even though William Dill should be given credit for coining the term in 1958, the phrase "trust" reminds us of its relevance and competitive advantage in the late 1980s (Preston & Sapienza, 1991). The successful execution of a plan may benefit from this vector since communication has grown more dynamic and multifaceted. Companies must overcome a number of obstacles in order to implement their own plans, and while communication may hold the key to having a significant effect on how new initiatives are carried out, it can also be a major roadblock.
This brings us to the central issue: how are strategic communication and execution related? Can strategy implementation be elevated via successful alignment and communication? This is what we will finally address, using the opportunity to significantly deepen the explanation of the two variables. These are the queries that this study seeks to address by conceptualizing the variables and making use of some previous empirical findings.
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