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Gül Banu DUMAN

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Duman, G. B. (2023). Chapter 5 Reflections of the Urkun Incident in Kyrgyz Prose. In D. H. Dukova & M. Mastrantonio (Ed.), International Academic Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences - I - (pp. 125-144). Ankara, Türkiye: Global Academy Publishing House.

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The rebellion of 1916 against Tsarist Russia in Turkestan, suppressed in a bloody way, is called "Urkun" in Kyrgyz language. This rebellion, which was a revolt against the colonial policy of Tsarist Russia, was suppressed with a very harsh reaction of tsarism and turned into a great defeat for the Kyrgyz people. Urkun is the name given to the rebellion of the people of Turkestan in 1916 against Tsarist Russia's Russification and colonisation policy in Turkestan and the event of the people's migration to China in the hope of saving their lives in the face of the harsh attitude of the Russians, which amounted to genocide as a result of this rebellion in the Kyrgyz district. Although this rebellion was not only in the Kyrgyz area, however the Kyrgyz area was one of the areas where the most severe conflicts took place. "It is wrong to define the
rebellion of the Kyrgyz people in 1916 separately from the rebellion of other Central Asian nations. The rebellion of the Kyrgyz people was very violent compared to others and resulted in great losses of lives and properties as well" (Köylü, 2016: 129).

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