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CHAPTER 9-  ANALYZING TEACHERS’ VIEWS REGARDING SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS’ SOCIAL JUSTICE LEADERSHIP IMPLEMENTATIONS                                                                                                                                                             233



Osman Ferda BEYTEKİN


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Beytekin, O.F., Güler, Ş. (2023). Chapter 9 Analyzing Teachers’ Views Regarding School Administrators’ Social Justice Leadership Implementations. In M. E. Camargo  (Ed.), Academic Research & Reviews in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences -II- (pp. 233-253). Ankara, Türkiye: Global Academy Publishing House.

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With the ever-changing interpretation of organizations and the procedures led by the management within them, it is evident that there has become an evolutionary tendency towards contemporary leadership styles rather than the classical understanding of leading organizations. In that respect, the literature illustrates that social justice leadership has recently obtained a remarkable place in organizational management procedures. Social justice leadership can be expressed as an inclusive leadership style that enables equality in access to organizational services by supporting the minority in differentiating from the majority in terms of language, racial, religious, gender – based aspects and so on (Theoharis, 2007). In that respect, a social justice leader might be considered as the one who considers the differences as the source of the power in a whole sense within the management procedures no matter what the members of the organization carry as properties. That is, a school leader implementing social justice leadership within educational contexts probably focuses on the cultural diversity, unique characteristics, participative decision – making procedures, collaborative working environments and inclusive opportunities for all the stakeholders of the institution.

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