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CHAPTER III- FROM THE SCREEN TO THE WARDROBE: THE INFLUENCE OF TIKTOK ON THE CONSUMPTION AND USE OF FASHION IN SHEIN                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Aline Gabriel Freire
Ítalo José de Medeiros Dantas 
Lívia Juliana Silva Solino 
Marcelo Curth

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Freire, A. G., Dantas, I.J.M., Silva Solino, L. J., Curth, M. (2023). Chapter III From the Screen to the Wardrobe: The Influence of Tiktok on the Consumption and Use of Fashion in Shein. In  F. E. Atilo Batista (Ed.), Academic Research & Reviews in Art, Design, Architecture and Fashion Breaking Creative Boundaries (pp. 41-51). Ankara, Türkiye: Global Academy Publishing House.

Due to the context of capitalism, today, the world is immersed in large-scale production and consumption processes resulting from the development of modernization and mass culture, making it possible to spread and solidify many products, services, and ideologies. Considering that the mass is influenced by the brand, maintaining a relationship of complex interdependence, where they influence and finance these media, exercising total control over the mass, it synthesizes the power that the media plays over consumer society with the revolution of psychoanalysis in In the 20s, the world of advertising began to use psychological techniques on how to influence the human mind, appealing countless times to the individual’s irrationality and primitive impulses in favor of sales and exorbitant profits (Bauman, 1999; Batista et al., 2020). From this perspective, it is possible to state that mass manipulation is entirely connected with the digital and information age. Social media, which have the power of speed and practicality in processes, appear to provide greater agility in interactions and behaviors. They enable new means of sales, in addition to modifying and influencing individuals, even if indirectly (Booth; Matic, 2011).

Companies are aiming to take advantage of the growth of modernization, combined with the rise of media, enhancing the use of these tools. Their objectives are to create relationships between users of the leading platforms with their products; the intention is to increasingly capture the attention of this consumer, gaining new customers and retaining existing ones, thus increasingly influencing the change in consumer attitudes, and marking our society with alarming consumerism (Wasserman; Faus, 1994; Degenne; Forse, 1999 apud Recuero, 2009). Meanwhile, clothing production is one of the largest in the world, with a large amount of profit that makes the eyes of large companies focused on advertising as a way of increasing income. It is understood that social media, at different levels, directly influences clothing consumption, leading people to consume more and more.

It is well known that social networks greatly influence people’s lives. After the pandemic scenario of 2020, one of them, specifically TikTok, began to influence exorbitantly, not only in the format itself that transformed other networks into the production of short videos but also from the content creators, who directly influence the consumption and opinions of society. This application, which presents dance content, challenges, and tutorials, also covers the fashion world. Considered one of the world’s largest and most important industries, it is present in shopping videos, product reviews, and fashion tips. Furthermore, one company, among many others, started to stand out: Shein, an ultra-fast fashion company focused on the rapid mass production of clothing items.

Currently, there is an excessive consumption of clothing, and, in addition to companies like Shein, social networks strongly influence this issue. Considering that fashion is one of the industries that generate the most polluting waste that causes environmental impacts, we can see the global problems that an ultra-fast fashion company can cause. Conscious consumption of fashion is a subject that needs to be worked on and addressed in different ways. With this, it is understood that the internet is responsible for countless societal changes, where we mainly highlight the relationship between companies and social media. In the digital age, a union that stands out today is the social network TikTok and Shein, a Chinese online fast fashion retailer. Both are highly current and capable, especially together, of quickly attracting users’ attention and transforming them into active consumers.

This paper aims to investigate the role of the social network TikTok in the consumption and use of Fashion on Shein to understand the behavior of the brand and content creators and how they can quickly attract the attention of thousands of users, turning them into consumers.

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