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1st Edu Leaders Forum Global Contest on Education and Sustainability

1st Edu Leaders Forum Global Contest on Education and Sustainability: Sustainable Desires of Young People 2023

Editor Prof. Dr. Beatriz Lucia Salvador Bizotto & S.K. Singh

ISBN: 978-625-8284-89-8

Publishing Date: 27.09.2023

Announcement of the 1st Edu Leaders Forum Global Contest for Sustainable Desires of Young People

Teachers and members of public and private schools are invited to participate in an international competition for the best innovative sustainability ideas.

The public notice aims to: publish the original text on sustainable desires in relation to parents, teachers, society and government. What is your wish and what solution do you point to?

This contest aims to publish an International Book with the texts that contain the best ideas. The 50 best classified works presented will be published in an International Book.

The book will be published and delivered to the UN and UNESCO.

Sole paragraph - Registration begins on August 30th, 2023.

Paragraph one - Leave the text in the original form that the young person wrote.

Paragraph two - Ask the children and teenagers to write on a page about the topic together with a teacher.

Paragraph Three – The judging committee will be composed of 9 people, namely:

Prof. Arceloni Neusa Volpato

Prof. Fatima Regina da Silva Pereira

Prof. Fernando Piovesana

Prof. José Esteves

Prof. Luiz Miguel Cardoso

Prof. Maria Elisabeth Pereira

Prof. Maria Emilia Camargo

Prof. Nouman Shafique

Prof. Dr C. B Singh

Fifth Paragraph – Only the 50 (fifty) innovative ideas selected by the judging committee will be part of the book to be published.

Sixth Paragraph – All works must have the full name of the student, full name of the teacher and full name of the school, as well as the city, state and country.

Paragraph eight – the authors grant the copyright of the ideas to the Editor and the Global Edu Leaders Forum.

Ninth paragraph - All entries must be sent e-mail address Entries will not be accepted after the deadline or at other addresses.

Paragraph ten - The delivery period is from August 1st to 9th, 2023.

Eleventh Paragraph – The publication of the Book will be in October 2023.

Note: Winners will be announced on September 2nd at 5:00 pm India and 8;30am Brazil 2023 via a Global Edu Leaderes Forum webinar.

This announcement will be officially published on July 12th, 2023 through the Global Edu Leaders Forum website and all the Global Edu Leaders Forum social networks.

S.K. Singh

Founder and chairman

International coordinator Global Edu Leaders Forum

Beatriz Lucia S. Bizotto

Global Edu Leaders Forum


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