Assoc. Prof. Rumeysa AKGÜN
Published by: Global Academy Publishing House
ISBN Number: 978-625-6276-09-3
Publishing Date: December 2, 2024
Doi number:
Open Access

Psychodrama is a tool for the individual to achieve spiritual serenity in his/her life and to know him/herself. During the psychodrama adventure, the person discovers him/herself, reveals unknown hidden emotions, and develops new roles in his/her life. These roles enable him/her to deal with the problems in his/her life, to take new actions against different events, and to discover new roles. From this point of view, psychodrama is a very different method of intervention from other psychotherapeutic methods. What is important in this process is that the person fully trusts psychodrama, opens, and does not run away from the negative aspects he/she is facing and needs to improve. As a result of this situation, the person will experience enlightenment in time, although not immediately, through the sequencing effect of psychodrama.
Based on the above information, this study was carried out to investigate the effect of psychodrama group therapy on female penal institutions in the penal institution system. I want to thank the psychosocial services team in the penal institution, who ensured the participation of female penal institutions in the sessions and the establishment of order during the realization of this study, and the women who accompanied me during the psychodrama work. Although they will not be able to read these writings, their contributions during the group sessions, their self-evaluations, and the transformation I saw in them were incredible.
In the psychodrama journey that Moren started, many people accompanied him and carried psychodrama forward. I want to thank Kostas Letsios, my supervisor, who I think made a great contribution to psychodrama in the process of writing the book, and my colleague and counselor Odise Vuçinas, who always supported me with his ideas and trust in me during the sessions. Your support during this process was invaluable to me.
Since Morena discovered psychodrama in the 1920s, various studies have been carried out on psychodrama in different fields. In addition, this book is the first book in Türkiye literature and in world literature in which psychodrama practices were realized in women's penal institutions.
In a world where crime rates are increasing day by day, I am proud to have realized psychodrama group therapy, which enables the individual to look at his inner world, discover himself, and hold a mirror to his life, with female convicts, and add this to the literature.
I hope that people working in the forensic field and those interested in psychodrama will benefit.