Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman GÜN
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sezer Sabriye İKİZ
Published by : Global Academy Publishing House
Cover & Design : Global Academy Publishing House
ISBN Number : 978-625-6276-14-7
Publishing Date : 27.12.2024
Doi number : https://dx.doi.org/10.59740/academy.80
Certificate No : 64419
Open Access
This study examines the effects of using certain listening strategies and techniques on the development of listening skills in a foreign language learning context with listening achievement test, attitude test towards foreign language, observation checklist and learner self-reflection form. The participants in the study were elementary level undergraduate Engineering Faculty English Preparatory Program students at Sıtkı Koçman School of Foreign Languages, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University in the spring term of 2010-2011 academic years. In order to define the levels of students’ listening skills and attitudes, listening achievement test and attitude scale towards foreign language were administered at the beginning and end of the research. Additionally, observation checklist prepared with certain listening strategies, techniques and information about students’ participation, interest and ability was filled in for several times during the study by the researcher in a non-participant position. At the end of the study, self-reflection form was given to learners to have their ideas about the possible change in their listening skills and reason for it according to them. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS 17.0 computer software program and the results were presented. With the collected data and results of the analysis it is found that (1) students’ listening skills developed to a certain extent during the research process, but it was quite limited. The mean of learners’ total listening achievement scores increased from 49.78 (x=49.78) to 54.31(x=54.31) out of 100 points at the end of the study. (2) Most of the defined listening strategies and techniques took place in the lessons at different degrees, but they were taught indirectly. From the observation checklist which contains 26 listening strategies and techniques, 6 items were observed directly, 16 items were observed partially, and 4 items weren’t observed. (3) Learners developed positive attitudes towards foreign language throughout the study. The mean of learners’ pre-attitude test scores was found as 119,56 out of 190 total points and the mean of their post-attitude test scores was found as 142,41 at the end of the study. Additionally, 26 learners out of 38 stated that they had a development at their listening skills while 5 learners stated that they didn’t have any development at their listening skills and 7 learners preferred not to answer this question about their listening skill. It has been observed that students’ listening skills were developed to a certain extent during the research process. Learners developed positive attitudes towards the foreign language. And they developed their listening skills to a certain extent.
Finally, this book focuses on listening skill in foreign language teaching and learning processes and relates listening skill to listening techniques and strategies. In the book, foreign language teaching materials are examined, in-class listening lesson observations are included, quantitative and qualitative data obtained from student achievement tests and self-assessment processes are reported and the academic development of listening skill is examined. I hope that this book will make a valuable contribution to the existing literature and provide a good reading experience for all readers.
Best Regards,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sezer Sabriye İKİZ
December, 2024