29-30 November 2022, The Netherlands

Editor Prof. Dr. Emilia ALAVERDOV
ISBN: 978-625-8284-25-6
Publishing Date: 05.12.2022
All rights of this book belong to Global Academy Publishing House. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, retrieved system, ortransmitted, in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the Global Academy Publishing House. Norbe otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover.
©Copyright December, 2022
Certificate No: 64419
Global Academy Publishing House
The individual essays remain the intellectual properties of the contributors. All papers published in this abstract book have been peer reviewed.
November 29, 2022
1. Marco I BONELLI-Bloomberg Terminals as a Learning Tool for Business Students: applications and discussion
2. Lec. Dr. Dr. Eren ALKAN-Relationship Between Language and Meaning: “Leda and the Swan” by William Butler Yeats
3. Nesli Çiğdem SARAL-Social Contextual Influences on Efl Teachers’ Motivation During The Pandemic in Turkey
4. Imron Wakhid HARITS-Teaching Literary Tourism to promote Madura Island as Halal Tourist Destination
5. Musa KAYA & Abdulvahap AVSAR- Examining Narrative Based and Informative Texts in Terms of Word and Sentence Usage in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language
6. Musa KAYA & Osman DEMIREL-Geographical and Cultural Effects on Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language: The Case of Asian And Pacific Countries
7. Ergün YURTBAKAN-Metaphoric Perceptions of Primary School Students on Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Skills
8. Yusuf KALINKARA & Oğuzhan OZDEMIR-Metaverse as a learning tool: sample applications 9. Md. Harun RASHID, Wei LI-Discuss various writing techniques in order to find solutions to its problems
10. Gamze EMIR-The ‘Speaking Clubs’ as a Social Learning Place
11. Fatma SEZGIN-Use of Written Corrective Feedback with a Web-Based Tool
12. Zeliha Sema HALDAN & Assoc. Prof. Timur KOPARAN- Integrating Augmented Reality Applications into Mathematics Teaching
November 30, 2022
1. Ulkar MAHMUDOVA-Ecological results of creation of average kura cascade and other reservoirs
2. Hikmat HASANOV & Ismayil ZEYNALOV-Using low-orbit satellites as the main resource for creating a recreational industry on a regional and global scale (on example of Azerbaijan)
3. Md. Harun RASHID, Wei LI- Propose inventive stimulus materials to dealing the challenges 4. Tommy Cristovel TANGKEY, Putri HERGIANASARI, Richard G. MAYOPU-Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy in an Effort to Attract International Tourists in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2019-2021 in the Province of Bali
5. Dr. A. Shameem & Anna JOB, Fintech and Technological Disruption and Transformation of Insurance Sector
6. Dr. R. SRINIVASAN & N. R. Mohan RAGAVENDRA-A Analysis of the Reverse Logistics System
7. R. Divyaranjani, Dr. Sandeep Kumar GUPTA, Mr. Dolan RAJKUMAR-A Comparative Study on the Performance of Indian Ports That Handle Bulk Cargo
8. Dr.Suci SURYANI, M.Pd.- Batik Entrepreneurs: a Gender Study of Madurase Women against its Local Tradition
9. Inci DEMIR- Investigating Initiation Response and Feedback Pattern in a Pre-Intermediate Class at an English Preparatory Program of a University in Turkey