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CHAPTER 2-  THE EFFECT OF ART THERAPY ON THE MENTHAL SYMPTOM LEVELS OF ADOLESCENTS                 41                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Elif OZTOP
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Oztop, E. (2023). Chapter 2 The Effect of Art Therapy on the Menthal Symptom Levels of Adolescents. In R. A. H. Chirinos de Jesus (Ed.), International Academic Research & Reviews in Educational Sciences-II- (pp. 41-61). Ankara, Türkiye: Global Academy Publishing House.

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Human beings are ever-changing and evolving beings, harboring many emotions, thoughts, and needs. Mental health has an important place in our lives in order to cope with the difficulties that a person experiences, to reach inner peace, and as a social being, to live in a more flexible and balanced way internally with the stressful situations that life brings. People often want to be spiritually peaceful, alive, energetic, and free. Sometimes circumstances beyond our control can threaten the peace of mind we desire. For this reason, people seek to find things that will caress their souls, make them feel relaxed, and increase their spiritual well-being by moving away from life standards that have become automatic and monotonous, dependent on certain rules, and far from creativity and freedom. This search leads people to art, where they can convey their feelings, thoughts, and impulses in their simplest form, where they can get in touch with their inner world, and where they can meet their most natural and unique, perhaps undiscovered, state.

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