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CHAPTER 3- THE CIRCADIAN RHYTHM IN HUMAN-CENTERED INTERIOR LIGHTING DESIGN        63                                                                                                  



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Agaoglu Cobanlar, G., Koyuncu, S. (2023). Chapter 3 The Circadian Rhythm in Human-Centered Interior Lighting Design. In Í. M. Dantas (Ed.), Art, Design, Communication and Fashion:  An Interdisciplinary Approach (pp. 63-101). Ankara, Türkiye: Global Academy Publishing House.

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Throughout the course of human history, the biological structure of man has also evolved as a result of his ability to adapt to changes in his surroundings and the conditions of that environment. While this enables people to survive in their natural environment, it also contributes to the building of an artificial environment in which they can live. Nonetheless, as a prerequisite of modern life, people must spend the majority of their time indoors. This gives interior designers a great deal of responsibility and a significant role in arranging environments that affect people's health, productivity, effectiveness, and happiness. Thus, it is vital to design interior spaces with an understanding of people's biological structures, social relationships, and daily routines. In accordance with this requirement, understanding the biological systems of people who use interior spaces aids in the creation of healthier, more productive, and more efficient spaces for them.

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