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CHAPTER 7-  TRANSPARENCY AND ANTI -CORRUPTION TOOLS FOR CORPORATE GOVERNMENTS                      192                                                                                       
Vicente Humberto MONTEVERDE
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Monteverde, V. H. (2023). Chapter 7 Transparency and Anti-Corruption Tools for Corporate Governments. In M. E. Camargo  (Ed.), Academic Research & Reviews in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences -II- (pp. 192-219). Ankara, Türkiye: Global Academy Publishing House.

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The management of administrators in corporations are public or private, often present difficulties in their exercise due to the groups of interest that act in society. The context of an organization currently in the 21st century is competitive, dynamic, and globalized, has evolved from historical industrial revolutions, and the directionality of power relations proves their daily business decisions. This work explains the tools for the application of transparency and anticorruption in private

sector organizations, taking into account that corruption costs. A political regime, subject to systemic corruption needs a context of anticorruption transparency tools in organizations, it works lists, and details them. Management tools today highlight good corporate governance practices in the world. These experiences arise as a result of various crises in the private sector, caused by some light visions and lack of shareholder control, others by inconsistency in the application of local and international standards. These were resolved, for example like the mortgage crisis, which has resulted in numerous financial bankruptcies, bank nationalizations, and constant interventions by the central banks of the main developed economies, in addition to deep declines in stock prices and a deterioration of the economy. global real, which has led to the entry into recession of some of the most industrialized economies. It is not the objective of this work to analyze the historical processes of crisis in the private sector in the world, but these previously mentioned events made it necessary to examine auditing and corporate governance procedures since some companies such as ENRON were examples in management books in the application of the benchmarking technique.

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