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CHAPTER V- REPORT ON PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE AT BRAZ MODA COMPANY: WORKING ON THE PRODUCTION OF LOOK ASSEMBLY AND PHOTOGRAPHY FOR SOCIAL MEDIA                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Ana Clara da Silva
Ítalo José de Medeiros Dantas
Débora Pires Teixeira
Glauber Soares Júnior
Fabiano Eloy Atílio Batista
Marcelo Curth

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Silva, A.C., Dantas, I.J.M., Teixeira, D. P., Júnior, G. S., Atílio Batista, F. E., Curth, M. (2023). Chapter V Report on Professional Practice at Braz Moda Company:  Working on the Production of Look Assembly and Photography for Social Media. In  F. E. Atilo Batista (Ed.), Academic Research & Reviews in Art, Design, Architecture and Fashion Breaking Creative Boundaries (pp. 72-79). Ankara, Türkiye: Global Academy Publishing House.


With technological advances, fashion has gained a significant increase in social media. Through them, it is possible to connect quickly with the consumer. In this case, it has been a busy task for marketing professionals to develop the necessary tools to attract the public, especially in the fashion sector (Posner, 2015). However, the digital era is accompanied by frenetic mass consumption, made possible by disseminating fashion information, such as photos, fashion shows, trends, and articles popularized through social networks. Thus, fashion begins to strongly influence the individuals 
who follow it, bringing with it the popularization of digital media, the instantaneity of information, and the democratization of access to Fashion content (Medeiros et al., 2004).

In this context, Brazil is the country in Latin America that recorded the most significant increase in online shopping, around 30%, during the coronavirus pandemic; the percentage of Latin Americans who started making this type of purchase was 24%, while the average for other continents was 27% (Lin, 2021). According to sociologist Gilles Lipovetsky (2009), fashion is one of the social spaces where individuals can exercise their freedom and critically improve their way of seeing the world. Fashion photography can be considered a means of studying the history and behavior of society, as photographic records from clothing brands and similar magazines establish a powerful link between fashion, photography, and behavior.
Professional practice is a didactic-pedagogical procedure that contextualizes the knowledge learned, relating theory and practice, enabling actions that lead to technical-scientific-cultural and human relationship improvement. Therefore, this is the moment in the teaching-learning process in which the student will demonstrate mastery of the skills acquired throughout the course, being, therefore, a critical phase in the student’s pedagogical journey.

Professional Practice activities consider the possibilities provided for in current legislation so that, within the scope of IFRN, professional practice will have a minimum workload of 400 hours, aiming at the integration between theory and practice, based on interdisciplinarity and resulting in documents-specific recording of each activity by the student, under the monitoring and supervision of an advisor. 

Furthermore, the student must attend at least the third period for higher technology courses.In the Higher Technology Course in Fashion Design, Professional Practice comprises the development of integrative projects and/or technical projects (60 hours), research and/or extension and/or teaching, and/or supervised curricular internship and/or effective 
professional activity (internship or learning program carried out through another educational institution, public or private employment, position, function, autonomous activity, trainee program); and/or activities related to entrepreneurship (individual microentrepreneur, junior company, incubated company or project hotel); and/or learning and laboratory tutoring (TAL) or student training support program; and/or voluntary service carried out following law nº 9,608/1998 and its amendments (315 hours) and 25 hours for other forms of academicscientific-cultural activities.

Therefore, this chapter will present the activities carried out by Braz Moda, which seeks to promote its products through social media and photo shoots to attract the consumer public

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