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Innovative Teaching Learning Practices

Innovative Teaching Learning Practices: A Paradigm Shift

Open Access

Edited by

Prof. Dr. Pramod Kumar

Prof. Dr. Anviti Gupta

Prof. Dr. Anna O. Budarina

ISBN: 978-625-8284-91-1

Year: 2023

Publisher: Global Academy Publishing House

Dear Esteemed Readers,

It is with immense pleasure and a sense of pride that I present to you this pioneering book, “Innovative Teaching Learning Practices: A Paradigm Shift,” meticulously compiled and organized by the Sharda School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, it becomes imperative to constantly revisit and revitalize our teaching and learning methodologies. This book serves as a beacon of innovative practices, reflecting our commitment to excellence and our relentless pursuit of

knowledge in the ever-changing world of education.

The Sharda School of Humanities and Social Sciences, known for its forward-thinking approach and academic rigor, has always been at the forefront of educational innovation. This book is a testament to our unwavering dedication to creating an enriching learning

environment that not only nurtures intellectual growth but also fosters critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills among our students.

You will find a collection of insightful articles, case studies, and research papers contributed by distinguished educators and scholars in this book. Each chapter is a unique exploration of novel ideas and strategies aimed at enhancing the teaching and learning experience.

As we navigate through the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, it is essential to embrace change and adapt to new educational paradigms. This book is not just a compilation of ideas; it is a call to action for educators, students, and policymakers to collaboratively work towards creating a more dynamic, inclusive, and effective educational ecosystem.

I commend the editors, contributors, and all those involved in bringing this significant work to fruition. May this book inspire you to embark on your own journey of educational transformation and excellence.

With warm regards,

Prof. (Dr.) Sibaram Khara


1. Global and National Perspectives of Professional Preparation Physical Culture and Sport Masters Students in Pandemic

Abdybekova Nurmira, Dzhalilova Baktykan, Ernazarova Ulpat

& Mambetalieva Nurisa

2. Innovative Teaching-Learning Practices: A Paradigm Shift

Sishanki Kashyap 3. Distant Educational Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching in Medical University

Bayzhigitova A.A., Zamaletdinova G.S. & Dr. Karaeva Z.

4. Economic Evaluations of Health and Health Policy Biimyrsaeva Erkegul Mundusbekovna & Biimyrsaeva

Aidana Kamchybekovna

5. Depicting Position of Women through Selected Poetry of A.K. Ramanujan

Prof. (Dr.) Pramod Kumar & Ms. Harsheetaa Bhardwaj

6. Exploring the Dynamics of Dysfunctional Families in Mannu Bhandari’s the Tale of a Weak Girl

Srishti Jalal & Prof. (Dr.) Pramod Kumar

7. Flipped Learning to Increase Students’ Motivation

Zhyldyz Takenova 8. Evolution of Pedagogic Practices

Dr. Brinda Chowdhari

9. Islamic Feminism in Nawal El Saadawi’s ‘Woman at Point Zero’ and Khaled Hosseini’s ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’

Dr. Rafraf Shakil Ansari

10. Value Orientations, the Impact of Satisfaction on a Person‘s Physical Health

Kasymova Nazira Omurkulovna

11. Loneliness or Dysfunction: Mannu Bhandari’s The Lonely One

Srishti Jalal & Prof. (Dr.) Pramod Kumar

12. Features of the Development of Intercultural Communication of Future Specialists

Abdraeva Aigul Tolokovna, Sadykbek Kyzy Zhainagul & Sartbekova Nurzhan Koodoevna

13. The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Education in Kyrgyzstan: A Sociological Analysis

Shaiyldaeva Asel, Mysakulova Guilnaz & Adina Azhigulova

14. Socialization and Optimization in Teaching of Foreign Students in a Medical University in

Fundamental Disciplines

Torokulova Sofiia, Chorov Mamatkan Jetimishevich & Saryeva Nurisa

15. Peculiarities of Adaptation and Teaching Fundamental Disciplines to Foreign Students in a Medical University

Nurisa Saryeva, Sofiia Torokulova & Aizada Makeshova

16. Interconnectedness of Man and Nature in the Novel “The Living Mountain” by Amitav Ghosh

Anna Lalzidingi & Prof. (Dr.) Pramod Kumar

17. Portrayal of Women in Bankim Chandra’s Novel ‘Rajmohan’s Wife’

Clara C Lalrinhlui & Prof. (Dr.) Pramod Kumar

18. Significance of Language in Ethnic Identification in West Africa

Moustapha Aboubacar Diori & Dr. Brinda Chowdhari

19. The Status of English Language and its Influence in India

Sagolsem Bonie Devi & Dr. Brinda Chowdhari

20. Teaching Drama: Innovative and Engaging Pedagogical Approaches

Dr. Gurpyari Bhatnagar

21. A Representation of Bacha Baziin Afghan war Zones in Nadeem Aslam’s Blind Man’s Garden

Shivangi Mavi & Dr. Pallavi Thakur


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