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“Everything” is about how you communicate, both in business life and in daily relationships. Because good communication is the foundation of good human relations. If you are aiming to establish an effective and healthy communication, you need to master all forms of communication-related behavior.

In addition, you should be able to empathize and use your body language correctly. Thanks to Effective Communication Strategies and Body Language Training, you will learn body language in nonverbal communication as well as effective communication.


You are not expected to have knowledge or experience to attend the training.
Those who want to contribute to their personal development,
Those who want to improve their communication skills,
Those who want to create a self-confident and comfortable impression while addressing the community and making presentations,
Those who want to use body language correctly.

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Konutkent Mh.2955 Cd. Oyak  No: 8 /6 Çankaya / Ankara

Turunç, 31. Sk. No:12/E Daire No: 8, 48740 Marmaris/Muğla

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